Spectrometers - call for a quote and for system specifications

Pre-Configured Systems
HR2000+ES - now with enhanced sensitivity
USB2000+RAD - designed exclusively for irradiance measurements
QE65000-ABS - Scientific Grade built for absorbance measurements
QE65000-FL - customized for fluorescence measurements
QE65000-Raman - designed for Raman spectroscopy

User-Configured Spectrometers
USB2000+ Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer
USB4000 Miniature Fiber Optic Spectrometer
HR4000 High-resolution Spectrometer
HR2000+ High-resolution Spectrometer
QE65000 Scientific-grade Spectrometer
NIR-512 Near-infrared Spectrometer
NIR256-2.1 NIR Spectrometer and NIR256-2.5 Extended-range NIR Spectrometer

Fluorescence Spectrometers
USB2000-FLG Gated Fluorescence Spectrometer
USB4000-FL Fluorescence Spectrometer
USB4000-FL-450 Spectrofluorometer
USB4000-FL-395 Spectrofluorometer
QE65000 Configured for Fluorescence
FIA-PMT-FL For Fluorescence Flow Analysis

Fluorescence Spectrometers
Brontes Colorimeter Color Measurement System
LAMPS Laser Assisted Microwave Plasma Spectroscopy
USB4000-UV-VIS Spectrometer General Purpose Spectrometer
USB4000-VIS-NIR Spectrometer General Purpose VIS-NIR System
HR4000CG-UV-NIR Broadband Spectrometer
HR2000+CG General Purpose Broadband Spectrometer
CHEM4-UV-VIS Educational Spectrophotometer
CHEM4-VIS-NIR Educational Spectrophotometer
CHEM4-UV-FIBER Educational Spectrophotometer
CHEM4-VIS-FIBER Educational Spectrophotometer
USB650 Red Tide Educational Spectrometer
USB650-UV-VIS Red Tide Educational Spectrometer
USB650-VIS-NIR Red Tide Educational Spectrometer
DTS-series MEMS-based NIR Spectrometers
DTS-PHAZIR-1016 and DTS-PHAZIR-1624 MEMS-based NIR Material Analyzers
S1024DW Deep Well Spectrometer Liquid Absorbance Spectrometer System
LIBS Broadband Spectrometer System Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
QE65000 Scientific-grade Spectrometer
Raman Systems R-3000 Spectrometers
RSL-Plus Handheld Raman System
NanoCalc Thin Film Reflectometry System*
SpecEl Ellipsometer System
PlasCalc Plasma Monitoring System
Optical Transmittance System
Hydrorad Environmental Radiometer*
SEA Spectrometer Series for Lighting Professionals

Specialty Spectrometers
Jaz - The World's Coolest Modular Measuring Suite
Maya 2000 - high-sensitivity FFT-CCD spectrometers
Optical Transmittance - Optical Transmittance Spectrophotometers